Welcome to Tennessee Online Driving School

Got a ticket and want to dismiss it quickly and easily? You've come to the right place! Our Tennessee Online Driver Education course is the quick and convenient alternative to spending hundreds of dollars in traffic fines and risking an increase in your insurance rates.

Totally Online Program

Busy with work? Kids? School? Who has time to go to a driver education course? Now, you do! With our Tennessee Driver course, you never have to set foot in a classroom and can take the course whenever you want. Whether you're at home or on the go with your Smart Phone, as long as you have access to the Internet, you have access to our classes. Our Tennessee online driving school course is Department of Safety-approved and contains the most current information on safe defensive driving in an engaging format that includes text, images, and video.

Why Choose Tennessee Driving School?

In addition to offering a fully approved TN driving school course at an affordable price, live 24/7 customer support is included. That means that any time you have a question about the driver education course, want to know the status of your completion certificate, or just need information about which program format is right for you, we're there to help.

With our driver education programs you get:

  • A DOS approved online Tennessee driving School
  • 24/7, live, statewide customer support
  • A self-paced online course
  • Instant download of your completion certificate

Dismissing Your Ticket

Getting a ticket is a hassle, but we make taking care of it easy. All you have to do is complete our online Tennessee traffic school course, and you'll get your traffic school completion certificate in the mail. After that, just submit your certificate to the court, and your ticket will be dismissed. It's that simple.

Getting Started

You're already on our website, so you're halfway there! Once registered, you'll be able to start taking your online traffic school driver education course at your own pace. After reading over the material and watching several short videos, all you'll need to do is pass a multiple-choice final exam. Then we ship your traffic school completion certificate directly to you. It's that simple.

No Ticket Means No Points

All driving violations are assigned a point value. If you don't dismiss your ticket, these points will go on your driving record. Points on your record can result in increased auto insurance rates and even license suspension or revocation. Completing our Tennessee defensive driving course will dismiss your ticket and stop points from going on your driving record.

Tennessee Traffic School Eligibility Requirements

You are eligible to take our online traffic school driver education course if you committed a minor traffic violation and have been referred by your court. If you are looking for driver education for court referrals, you've found it here. Unfortunately, you cannot take this course if you received a more serious "Driver Improvement" referral. For questions, or additional information, please call us at 866-973-7328.

TN Driving School Benefits

Not only will you dismiss your ticket when you complete our Tennessee Driver course online, but you'll protect your driving privilege. Dismissing your ticket means no points on your driving record, which prevents ticket-related insurance rate hikes and keeps your record clean. In addition, some insurance companies offer discounts for voluntary participation. Contact your insurer directly for more information.